Where did we left off...
The Hotel Manager realised that something was amiss with me out of the hotel. Apparently, besides being a valuable customer I have also influenced the hotel in many ways, a woman's touch is always a lasting one. That is what being a power customer all about, my points of improvements (complaints) were taken into account by people around the hotel. So while I am away on a soul searching trip up in the Himalayas, I received calls, messages and letters formally or informally offering me premier packages to resume my stay in the hotel. What technology can do nowadays..curse my Blackberry and DHL, huh! Among the offerings were, I can get back my penthouse suite but with additional perks, seriously..even a 50-50 share of the profits for a lifetime and no re-branding exercise unless I approve it. The Hotel Manager was even maybe considering giving away his post to me. I said nay..nada..no..la'..tidak.
For your information, I am a
Cancerian..although I do not believe in zodiacs, as it is against my beloved religion, most characteristics do apply. I am super sensitive, tend to be vengeful, hard to console, secretive so I keep my feelings to myself and very emotionally driven. Putting the characteristics together is not a pretty sight, internally. People do not really know what was going on in my mind, because they know it was my life long dream to have a share in that hotel and by saying no it was beyond comprehension.
The proposals kept coming in for 6months, although I declined for numerous times eventually the Hotel Manager's words
sanked in. So I did my own risk assessment procedures, due diligence..all those financial and operational
mumbo jumbo. Looking at what is at stake, future prospects and related parties involved, I decided to call up a meeting with the Hotel Manager after consulting my "Circle of Trust" (
even though they were oblivious what was going on).
The meeting was really weird. To avoid any unwanted confusions so I laid down my business plan with clear indication that I want to take up his offer. Not so long into the discussion, he cut me short and said the time was not right and the partnership is not feasible in the near future. His face was calm and expressionless, as if I was speaking Greek. I don't even know how to speak Greek. I was stunted. What happened to the 6months aggressively trying to get my stake into the hotel? The premier packages and perks?
The Hotel Manager had me again...and the
Cancerian in me decided to shut down and keep it to myself. A good businessman does not let down her guard and let people know their weaknesses..said Trump in the Apprentice. So unlike before I packed my bag, and decide to get into my think tank for brainstorming. Maybe the future that the Hotel Manager mentioned is not so far, after all I am a power customer right??